Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is your picture on the Web?

There's a recent web site on the World Wide Web, created by island dynamo, Sandy Kostick, of IDEAS.

It's at

Sandy and her crew of chartreuse-shirted minions, looking like so many Harvey Wallbangers on the loose, take photos at local events, collect names and post them to the web site. Of course, permission is requested, so this isn't exactly paparazzi.

Still, if you attend one these events and you see a camera lens staring you in the face, smile. You are just hours away from being on the web, where all your friends and family can see you.

That's what happens. Hundreds, increasing to thousands, of people are clicking through to the web site to see their grinning visages in full color. They are coming to the site from all over the world, reflecting the international flavor of island tourism.

Here's a tip: If you are drinking when approached for a photograph, place your drink behind you or out of the picture frame. The web is FOREVER!

For more about what to see and do on Sanibel and Captiva, visit and We're told both sites are undergoing updates that will be posted shortly.

Sanibel is going to the dogs

It's a good thing.

For as long as there have been rules, they prohibited unleashed dogs in the City of Sanibel .

Now the City has approved creation of a Dog Park, to be funded by the Sanibel Dog Club and contained at a former burn area near the Island Inn.

The scheduled opening is 2011, two years from now. (14 dog years.)

Release the hounds!!!!